Friday, May 30, 2008

My Latest Published Article

Pretty exciting having your name all over the web... (as long as its for good reasons)

here is the article

here is the search

happy developing.


  1. Cool article. I really recognize what you wrote. I'm so jealous at your amazing ability to express yourself in a way other people actually understand what you mean.

  2. Awesome writing. It pretty much summed up everything. Keep up the great work.

  3. I'm not sure if you try to recoin code monkey, but it's pretty much a derogatory term reserved for the types of programmers who can only develop following a well defined spec. In other words, the programmer who just types away and doesn't have to think much because all of the architectural thinking was done for him/her. Given this I think you need to consider moving the monkeys in the second category :-)

  4. Pete - Yup, I know the real meaning. However, in the spirit of the Coulton song and the show I'm attempting to take back the phrase! :)
