Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Dev Diary 06/04

So, we are getting another developer on the project. Today at lunch we discussed how I feel there are things that really need to be done to the application that will make it easier to make improvements and add new features and support in the future. Here is my list:


1.       Update the compilation model to true 2.0 format (I’m going to pull for 3.5 because if we are doing it anyway….)

2.       Eliminate the internal webservice that is used for objects due to the bad model, therefore:

a.       Make a new project for objects

b.      Eliminate unnecessary interfaces (personal preference and easier to manage)

c.       Create new objects I feel are necessary and refactor

3.       Take all the unneeded controls and put them back in the page (there are multiple pages that are just one control that is never used again).

4.       Make the webapp external via ssl so you don’t have to be ON the prod server to use it

5.       Update the 3rd party apps to latest versions

6.       Implement build software (optional)

7.       Take the redundant controls and eliminate them using admin pages and xml so they can be created dynamically (rather than having to manually create a new control that is a little different based on configuration just have one control generated on the fly based on data in an xml column)

8.       Get rid of the multiple folders containing a single object


Tonight I installed Launchy, I had heard of it before but not installed it. I’m a huge fan of keyboard shortcuts so this seemed awesome. Though, I hadn’t heard it from a credible source that it was good. I was also concerned about performance. Well, I caught it in an article on reddit tonight and decided to try it. I will let you know how it works but already I freaking love it. My mission is to never have to touch my mouse it wastes so much of my time.

I am trying a free web task tracking service called pingme. I like it because I can communicate with it easily in few words, I can also reschedule and add things via my cell which makes life more convenient in general. 

Some notes:

*Looking for a few good girls to collaborate with for girl developers.com needed: humor, skill, and glam… if you know some please refer them to me. This will be a fun project.

*Endy Chavez is a clutch player, I don’t care about his batting average, when the game is on the line you want him in the lineup.




  1. Put me in for the collaboration...please:)

  2. I'm disappointed you nominated endy ahead of me. So not cool.

  3. Joe - Call me! *swak*
