Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Unbridled Endorsement of the Best Code Camp Ever

So, Philly .NET Code Camp is where I made my speaking debut (amid much stuttering and  shaking). I may be biased when I say this is the best .NET Code Camp in the US. They have it twice a year at the Devry Campus in Fort Washington PA. It goes from 8:30 am until 5:00 pm with Breakfast, Lunch and Prizes. It's all completely free and the presenters are a Who's Who in .NET. I'm really excited to see a lot of people speak, and to meet some people that I haven't before. If you live in the area it would be awesome to see you, please come say hi. 

In other news I am working on a website snapshot generator for the thumbnails on I'm really unhappy with the service I am using and its reliability. I am also learning some Silverlight stuff thanks to the help of Chris Bennage of fame. This is a lot of fun as I never expected to learn something so closely linked in design work. The most I've done on a related level is make a picture fade in and out in flash. It is a slow learning process. 

Thanks to all that came out for the NY Nerd Dinner at Stout tonight. We were a mellow group, but I really enjoyed our conversation and meeting some of you for the first time. 


  1. just wanted to let you know I enjoy reading your blog and hope you will continue writing them for a long time to come.

  2. To be or not to be.That is a question.

  3. where I made my speaking debut (amid much stuttering and shaking). I may be biased when I say this is the best .NET Code Camp in the US. They have it twice a year at the Devry Campus in Fort Washington PA. It goes from 8:30 am until 5:00 pm with Breakfast, Lunch and Prizes. It's all completely free and the presenters are a W

  4. It's all completely free and the presenters are a Who's Who in .NET. I'm really excited to see a lot of people speak, and to meet some people that I haven't before. If you live in the area it would be awesome to see you, please come say hi
