Pretty exciting having your name all over the web... (as long as its for good reasons)
happy developing.
Pretty exciting having your name all over the web... (as long as its for good reasons)
happy developing.
So, it's Saturday night and it's a weekend and I'm home. I was going to go out tonight but my best friend was hung over so we are going out tomorrow. So, for fun I am dealing with "External Component has thrown an Exception" (While watching Black Snake Moan)
So there are these user controls that are set up to make a template that can be edited per section. You can add images to sections and delete them. Most of the templates have 7 or 8 sections. I need to add one that has nine. The names of the sections (or numbers, rather) are stored in the database. So, when the page is loaded the control is populated according to how it is stored. I have set up this control just like the others, yet I'm getting the above error. I threw on profiler and it's not even gettting to the query, so it has something to do with the control coming up on the page. I suspect it may not like the fact that there is an extra section, so I am commenting out section nine and seeing if it loads then.
Tomorrow I think I am going to the beach, so I ought to get in some sleep soon. However, I want to test this one last thing. This all needs to be good to go by Tuesday so I'd rather fix it now then later, there are other things that need fixing as well.
Have a happy holiday.
So, after 8 hours of desk buiilding (thanks, dad). Countless minutes of procrastination, 90249823 cardboard boxes mailed to my house (if I wasn't blond and blue you best believe I would be on the hot list), and about 2 hours of my own backbreaking labor and I'm done! I think my pseudo-office rules. The only thing I am missing is my speakers which I am getting in the next week or so. Here are some pictures:
from the left:
close up
chillin out maxin'
from above:
another angle:
in action using the "kissy face" development methodology:
So yay team! Right now I am plowing away bug fixing and simultaneously rocking out to Akinyele on XM65 the Rhyme. Happy developing!
So, I finally got over a hump in the application today with some help from a friend. I was going nuts because I'm used to many projects under one application easily communicating within and without with a few references and that's it. Well this app has a few projects and two separate web sites. I wasn't able to reference the user controls that existed in the same website, something I am not used to. There were circular references from control to control, and it was really frustrating to not be able to just reference them anywhere I wanted. Ended up having to extract the class that was being referenced to the App_Code folder.
The structure that is being used right now is indigenous to the first release of VS 2005. Apparently, the way it is compiled it is put into multiple assemblies, so even though its one project, it can't refrence itself easily. Really frustrating, I hope to reconstruct the app into a more normail (something I am used to) construction, if for only the reason that it will be a faster way to get things done. Hopefully after a bunch of bug fixes I will have time to make changes like this.
In other news, my dev office is done! I will post pictures later tonight. It's looking awesome.
In even other news this website is posessed by the devil, it keeps eating my posts. This was much more interesting before, take my word for it.
Or, maybe just a bigger nerd.
In the "cool news" category, I sent my last post to the author of the original peice I read here. I got this in return:
Thanks for the well written response to Mike Elgan's column about women in IT. You make some good points.
One of our bloggers, Chris Nerney, will be blogging about your post later today, and will be linking to your blog. You'll see his blog here:
Two questions for you:
1) We'd be interested in reprinting your "Open Letter" article on our site, but only with your permission.
2) A fairly large chunk of our readers are software developers. Would you be interested in writing about life as a software developer? I ask because you have such an upbeat, energetic style, I think your articles would be popular. The pay would be ***edit*** for an article.
James Maguire
Never expected that! Very cool. Here is the blog response. My peice was published here., It was dugg? Then reddited? Then ... well, whatever you get it. Anyway, got a bunch of feedback. My favorite one was "Well, whatever she's still a bitch" my least favorite one was the guy who said I looked like an "average girl".
Also, this girl, put me on her blog. I don't know what a Smithian is, but I agree, I sound a lot like one. (assuming they are awesome).
So, stay tuned! I would really appreciate some ideas on what to write about! So much pressure to be funny... Also, I wonder if I'm going to be able to publish articles in two places, or if my GD posts will have to be separate?
In desking news my desk is done!! Hurrah! It took my dad 8 hours. He is a hero in anyone's book. I will be posting pictures as well as dev updates later today.
rock on!
First of all, before anything else, am I the only one that's noticed that gmail is still in beta? Man those guys are thorough. I can't wait for RC1 I hear it's going to be really awesome.
So, tonight I was on the intar looking for some blogspiration (yeah, ok you can use that, but you gotta give me the credit) and I happened upon this blog: Gmail Blog I don't know about you, but when I picture the team of people that work for google I see something like this:
I was pleasantly surprised to read the article that I posted. It was definitely a refresher in basic troubleshooting for slow loading pages. I think this stuff is invaluable for good developers, everyone needs to be reminded sometimes, it's so logical. Caching, monitoring HTTP transactions, and using tools like fiddler is something I would do in my trusty office. To think that Google developers think of the same things I do when trying to make their app speedy makes me like them a lot more. Maybe that's the plan?
This is sad:, there has GOT to be a way to make this profitable and scalable! Even if big companies with bad raps sponser it, like Microsoft or IBM. How much different is it than ball parks sponsered by Citibank and Cisco? Someone do this, please.
Today while working, I realized how dumb it is that you can't insert multiple rows with one insert statement (without a subselect). Then I came upon this article on reddit and saw this will be fixed in 2008. Good going Microsoft, why do so many people hate those guys? Anyway, some educational comparisons in there as well.
Anyway, thanks for all the great feedback, everyone, I really appreciate of your help.
So, I am still running with my little bug/dev items list. Learning about the application. Basically it takes a dataset with paths to different images and puts them on a PDF by coordinates and a program called SwiftView. The SwiftView program then takes the files and converts them into .pcl files to be printed.
I can imagine that being a difficult engine to write. Also, the comments in the code are very helpful, however there are some things that seem well intentioned but don't make sense. Like the fact that each class has an interface (that only refrences that class) in the same assembly. Maybe one of you can tell me what design method that is, but I can't think of a rational reason to do that. This is in a web service, that only gets referenced by a local application. Some of it is designed in this manner to be scalable. Some of it because the requirements kept changing. However, some things I just don't get.
There is a balance between bug fixes and dev items. I have often seen this in larger IT departments. I will find this balance for myself. I have also seen it stress out managers.
Still truckin! Project Desk is coming along well too.
Good birthday weekend this weekend. Tell me I don't have some beautiful friends, no???
So, my baby Steven the cat was outside, and didn't come home for a while. I was worried about him, then he finally came back at 3am with his mouth looking all jacked up. I thought he got into a fight or something but it looked really serious and he couldn't eat. I bought him some broth and gave him some milk and then brought him to the vet ASAP this morning.
The Vet was really nice, he said that he may have a fractured jaw and someone may have kicked him. Because if he was run over or something it would be worse and usually when a cat fights he doesn't fracture a jaw or anything.
Well I just talked to them and his jaw is fractured and they were wiring it shut.
What the fuck (sorry, but I'm really upset) is wrong with people? Who would EVER kick a cat? How the fuck did your parents raise you to think that is EVER ok? I know some people don't like animals, and that's fine. However, even the people I know that don't like animals would never hurt them like that.
I'm really upset, my poor little guy. I was going to blog about my first Dev Conference last night on Silverlight 2.0 but I have a lot of work to do and I'm really upset.