Friday, October 8, 2010

About Sara


Sara is a developer living in NYC specializing in web applications with a focus on JavaScript and Startups. In her spare time she Wrangles Nerds. 

She likes speaking to and meeting with diverse groups from the Girl Scouts to straight up code junkies. Her goal is to inspire more females to see that being a developer is fun and glamorous.

She is best reached via email, twitter, or on her cell at (862) 201-3065

Current Projects:

Girl Develop It

Add Blocker

Elizabeth & Clarke

New Work City

This Developers Life

Monday, October 4, 2010

The Girls are Back In Town

There is something I’ve gotten really excited about lately and it is only just beginning. I’m talking about the new wave of awesome girl tools to hit the web. I’m in the middle of the the biggest petrie dish for startups in the world, New York City (oh yeah, I moved, I love it!). I’ve been watching new ones pop up monthly, companies like FashismBirchbox  and ToVieFor. Conceived by girls, run by girls, built for a mostly female demographic .

My life's dream knocked me full in the face when I saw this (omg, that google search made me find this  I <3  you, Microsoft). I was 17 years old and I knew exactly what I wanted to do with the rest of my life: be a part of the community that creates applications like that. However, I learned quickly that apps like that didn’t actually exist. I dreamed of the days when women figured out how to leverage software for their needs and wants. For a long time we’ve had fantasy football apps, miniature train forums, and ways to randomly put your friends into intermural sports teams online. Guys have been doing this for a decade, but now FINALLY, we are tinkering too!

Proud of you, ladies, can’t wait to see what else is in store.