Thursday, February 26, 2009

Hey Folks - Update

So, the official final deal is that the project is still in the works, and in the meantime I will be working on some other projects likely for the company I am with. I know it sounds cryptic but that's the story and I'm sticking to it. I'm not going to lie, the whole thing really took a toll on me with the stress and not knowing. However, I've had time to do some "me" things which is nice... kind of. All in all it's been a rough two weeks and that's why you haven't seen that much of me.

I'm resting, I'm revamping, and I will be back to my rank as reigning princess of bloated opinions around these parts shortly.

THE SEXIEST DEVELOPER CONTEST ENTRIES ARE DUE BY SUNDAY 2/27. Remember - a bio, a picture, and the reason you are sexy needed to apply. We have some

great candidates.

The WAN Parties on Weds night have been really fun thus far. It's nice to talk nerd for one night a week. They are Weds at 7:30pm... shoot me an email for details. All are invited.

Thanks for sticking around, and as always happy developing.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

I'm Not Dead

Hey everyone, how's things? I haven't been around, if you haven't noticed, because I had a pretty crappy week. Monday morning I was told that our project wasn't going to be launched for a while because we weren't ready for immediate launch and financially we needed to be making money right away. Everyone's being hit by this whole economy thing, it stinks but there is no reason to have a .NET developer on payroll for fun and games (and "I can't print"). I was really looking forward to this, so it was hard to hear, however, at least I have a great looking application  to show off. I think I'm going to take some time off and start consulting for a while. I'm working on a sister site for GD to advertise my abilities. It will be nice I think once it takes off because I will be able to make my own hours and learn all sorts of things. 

Anyway, I'd love some advice from people who do this for a living since this is my first time going about this. Hope you are all doing well.

UPDATE: Project is launching, just on short hiatus while we regroup. I was very happy to hear this as I feel like it's my child, lol. It will be awesome when we go public.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

No WAN Party This Week :(

Due to some personal difficulties there will be no WAN party this week. Sorry for every looking forward to it, it is a lot of fun. I look forward to next week.


Monday, February 9, 2009

My First Video Blog

First Video Cast! Discussing when it's time to change languages, and the WAN party last week.

WAN Party again this week, 7:30 EST Weds 2/11 SkypeId:  SaraJo81

Monday, February 2, 2009

You Know What Would Be Great?

Ok, so there are many of us at night sitting and coding by ourselves. I mean, we have IM open, we tweet, but I think it's easier to get distracted and it's nothing like having a really awesome dev right next to you. You know? Having that person a question or topic away. What about a group of devs? That would be great.

So, I've done a little research and I'm going to put something together. This isn't just for questions, it's for commentary, discussions, and everything else you would do if you threw a bunch of developers in the room for a few hours. We can call it a WAN party?

I don't know if there will be any interest, however, I looked into Skype conference calling and it looks like this is do-able. So, the first scheduled Girl Developer (not just for girl developers) WAN party is this Weds at 7:30PM EST. My skype ID is sarajo81. This can be just audio or video as well I haven't decided. I think this will depend on if I want to blowdry my hair Wednesday morning(kidding).

If you are interested either friend me on Skype and show up, or shoot me an email. If this works out maybe we can make it a weekly thing.

As usual happy developing.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Hi. How was your night?

What'd you think of the game? I had a fun night with some former coworkers in Brooklyn. I have NO depth perception and I HATE driving in the city. However, it was fun. Let's talk for a second about the commercials. I LOVED the GE scarecrow one. I liked the eTrade talking babies. However, the GoDaddy ones were straight inappropriate. I'm not uptight by anymeans, and I believe there is a time and place for nudity and sexual jokes. The Superbowl really isn't the place. I look forward to possibly having kids one day, and if I do, and I'm sitting there with my cool skater twin 5 year old sons with long hair big blue eyes I don't want to have to feel uncomfortable about their perception of women and sexuality. That was a crappy commercial, to go with GoDaddy's crappy hosting and crappier support. Eight thumbs down.

I wanted to ask around if anyone does video streaming? If so how much do you buffer before you play the video? I use S3 and I love it, but on older machines there is a bit of a hiccup. Has anyone done this with S3? The salesguy warned me about making sure I don't make a stop on our server with the video before going to browser.

Tonight is short and sweet. I hope you had a good weekend.