So, the official final deal is that the project is still in the works, and in the meantime I will be working on some other projects likely for the company I am with. I know it sounds cryptic but that's the story and I'm sticking to it. I'm not going to lie, the whole thing really took a toll on me with the stress and not knowing. However, I've had time to do some "me" things which is nice... kind of. All in all it's been a rough two weeks and that's why you haven't seen that much of me.
I'm resting, I'm revamping, and I will be back to my rank as reigning princess of bloated opinions around these parts shortly.
THE SEXIEST DEVELOPER CONTEST ENTRIES ARE DUE BY SUNDAY 2/27. Remember - a bio, a picture, and the reason you are sexy needed to apply. We have some
great candidates.
The WAN Parties on Weds night have been really fun thus far. It's nice to talk nerd for one night a week. They are Weds at 7:30pm... shoot me an email for details. All are invited.
Thanks for sticking around, and as always happy developing.